Special Offer: Direct to your living room

Becoming a new parent means revamping your home - whether you're painting the nursery walls or watching your baby redecorate the kitchen floor with his porridge. And once you've got a new addition, you soon find pretty much every room becomes the 'baby room'.
Before you go spare trying to figure out what shade of sofa will match the little one's toybox, take a trip to Living Rooms Direct. This online superstore offers a broad range of living room furniture and accessories to spruce up your main hanging out area - from cosy family-size sofas to funky magazine racks for stacking all those baby catalogues.
Living Rooms Direct are offering one lucky Hype Baby reader $30 towards any item on the site. New mamas and papas might dig this gorgeous notNeutral Wood Block set featuring letters, numbers and images that can be combined to create 3D stories.
To win this $30 voucher, simply email Hype Baby with your name and address and a message of 15 words or less on how your little bubba has transformed your living space. The winner will be notified by email and get a special mention on the blog.
**Update: This competition is now closed.
Labels: accessories, furniture, special offers
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