Buzz off

After our recent travels, we were horrified to find our Cheeky ones covered in scabs and scars from insect bites. I had prepared for the African scourge but the worst offenders turned out to be in the South of France.
If only I had known about Green Baby's Deet Free Mosquito Patch beforehand. This fantastic little product packs a powerful punch of 100% pure undiluted Citronella and Eucalyptus Citriodora - essential oils that have been used for years to keep those buzzers at bay. Simply take a patch, give it a friendly squeeze to release the fragrance, and slap it on for up to 10 hours protection.
The patches are not only environmentally cool, but totally safe for everyone even babies since the product never touches the skin. You can stick them on practically any area you fancy including clothing, furniture, pushchairs and bedding. Each packet comes with 24 patches designed to repel midges, mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and even headlice.
Being partial to his stickers and plasters, Mr. Cheeks was especially keen and proud to display his Deet patch while playing in the woods. I was just thrilled that I didn't have to cover either of my babies in smelly, possibly rash-inducing gunk. Now when are they going to come out with a sunscreen patch?
Visit Green Baby for the lowdown.
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