Hot Seat

When travelling with Mr. Cheeks as a baby, I couldn't have gone anywhere without my Tot Seat portable highchair. This handy wrap keeps baby tied safely to most seats so he can have a little independence and leave you with both hands free.
Now that the Little Big Cheeks is weaning, I keep one in my baby bag but as an avid mummy blogger I'm always on the quest for what's new.
Enter Phil & Ted's Wriggle Wrapper, a genius little contraption that offers the same portability as the Totseat but goes one step further.
Not only does the Wriggle Wrapper secure baby snugly to a chair or around your waist, but you can also tie it to standard single beds for extra peace of mind when your little one's napping.
Phil & Ted's Wriggle Wrapper comes in chic grey or snazzy red, is machine washable and suitable for babies aged 6 to 24 months. Snap one up via the Phil & Ted site or available stockists.
Labels: accessories, feeding, gadgets, holidays, seating, travel
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